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Smart Cutebot Pro is a programmable robot for micro:bit. It is equipped with a line tracking sensor, encoder motors, RGB LEDs, a distance sensor and much more.
The Breadboard breakout for the BBC micro:bit allows the user to plug a BBC microbit into a standard 2.54mm pitch breadboard.
This set of 10 colored laser-cut enclosures is specially packaged for the micro:bit Club Bundle. Ideal for classroom use to keep the boards apart.
Wukong is a high integrated breakout board with multiple functions based on thr micro:bit.
The Kitronik LAB:bit for the BBC microbit offers a super fun way for children to learn about coding in an engaging and hands-on way. It has been specifically designed for the classroom for KS2 computing and is backed by online MakeCode tutorials, simplifi
The Kitronik :VIEW Graphics 128 OLED display allows you to add a monochrome 128x64 display to your BBC micro:bit.
The Smart Home Material Pack is a set of colourful wooden building parts that can be used to build a house.
The :MOVE mat line following and activity maps - A1 size is an accessory for :MOVE Motor, :MOVE mini and also the Edison V2 Robot.
This 2m long 1-Wire Temperature Sensor has a waterproof probe and long wire, suitable for immersive temperature detection.