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Based on the Ring:bit V2 from Elecfreaks, this kit contains 360 degrees servos, an LED strip and almost 200 different building bricks.
The Klip Motor Driver for BBC microbit allows you do more than just drive motors.
The Prong soil moisture sensor for BBC microbit is a sensor board that can be directly mounted to a BBC micro:bit to monitor the moisture present in soil.
Clear protective case for the BBC micro:bit V1 and V2
Get more from :MOVE mini for the micro:bit with the Bumper add-on. Turn :MOVE mini into a football/hockey game playing robot and compete against other robots.
When KitiBot meets micro:bit, when kids meet programming, the mysterious robotics becomes simple, each interesting idea will come true.
The micro:bit Space Science Kit is a STEAM education kit for elementary and middle school students.
This kit contains two Cutebot robots, two Joystick:bits, a football prop, various building blocks and a football map.