The Arduino Sensor Kit is a joint electronics starter kit from Seeed and Arduino. It integrates 10 commonly used electronics modules on one PCB, so no breadboard, no soldering, and even no wiring are required.
Unlock the unlimited possibilities of robotics with Braccio! You can assemble your Braccio in a multitude of ways. Because it is designed for versatility, the Braccio can also support various objects on the end of the arm.
The Arduino Sidekick Basic Kit is designed to be used with your Arduino / Seeeduino / Seeeduino ADK / Maple Lilypad or any MCU board. It contains everything needed for a first-time user to connect his/her computer to an Arduino.
The Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino® is powered by one Arduino UNO compatible Board (ATmega320p based Seeeduino Lotus) together with 10 additional Grove Arduino sensors all in one piece of the board.
Learn electronics and get started with programming in your classroom step-by-step. No experience necessary. Arduino's online platform and content, that you can access by using this kit, are available in MULTIPLE languages.
Grove is a modular electronic platform for quick prototyping. Every module has one function, such as touch sensing, creating audio effect and so on. Just plug the modules you need to the base shield, then you are ready to test your idea buds.
The next level up from the Tinkerkit Braccio robot, Braccio++ is a revolutionary new robotic arm designed solely for higher education, including engineering schools and university institutes of technology.